To provide a more in-depth description of Hispanic foods, I’m listing descriptions of foods from different countries.


These Hispanic foods can serve as product inspirations for U.S. bakers and snack manufacturers and lend some insight into potential markets.

Chart 1
Chart 1: Click to enlarge image

This list of foods comes mostly from Portugal, Spain and South America. It’s adapted from Cultural Food Practices, a comprehensive, practical guide by the American Dietetic Association that provides information on food practices for 15 cultures. The country of origin is cited after each dish name.

The Portuguese phrases come mainly from Brazil and the Spanish items refer to all Hispanic countries. 


Sylvia Melendez-Klinger is a registered and licensed dietitian, a member of the Grain Foods Foundation and owner and president of Hispanic Food Communications.

Chart 2 Slide Show image
Chart 2: Click to enlarge image