The Corn Refiners Association has released three digital tool kits designed to provide food and beverage manufacturers with the resources they need to make informed decisions about high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and other sweeteners.

“These new tool kits will provide the industry with a comprehensive resource to help them communicate internally on the current state of sweeteners,” says Martin Concannon, manager of Lafayette Associates and a Corn Naturally research analyst. “Seeing the big picture will help empower food and beverage manufacturers separate buzz from facts, which will ultimately help their bottom line.”

Three versions of the tool kit—marketing, consumer insights and product development--are available for download for free. Key elements of the tool kits are email and PowerPoint templates to make it easier for users to share and present the information to colleagues; the Sweetener Conversation Reference Guide to help users start conversations and relay the facts on sweeteners; and a fact sheet on the science, economic implications and consumer research from Mintel and Nielsen.

To download the kits for free, visit