Candy and Guilt (How various population subsets compare in responses to the statement, “I feel guilty when I eat sweets”)
Demographic/Ethnic Group Index
Females 125
Boomers 107
Seniors 106
Whites 106
Asians/Pacific Islanders 94
Generation X 91
Hispanics 91
Males 73
African Americans 72
A Look at Candy Lovers (How various population subsets compare in responses to the statement, “I frequently eat sweets”)
Demographic/Ethnic Group Index
Females 107
Whites 105
Generation X 102
Seniors 99
Boomers 98
African Americans 93
Males 92
Asians/Pacific Islanders 80
Hispanics 69
Ranking Reese’s Lovers
Demographic/Ethnic Group Eat Reese’s
Generation X 120
Females 107
Whites 105
Boomers 95
Males 92
African Americans 88
Asian/Pacific Islanders 80
Seniors 64
Hispanics 61
How Snickers Fans Stack Up
Demographic/Ethnic Group Eat Snickers
Generation X 116
African Americans 115
Females 103
Whites 100
Males 97
Boomers 95
Hispanics 84
Seniors 75
Asian/Pacific Islanders 65
Kids’ Candy Countdown (Report eating six or more pieces of candy in the prior month)
Population Subsets Index
Asian Kids 121
African American Kids 106
Female Kids 106
White Kids 99
Male Kids 94
Hispanic Kids 92
Teens and Candy Moderation (How teen population subsets compare in responses to the statement, “I try not to eat too many sweets”)
Population Subsets Index
Asian Teens 156
White Teens 103
Female Teens 102
Hispanic Teens 98
Male Teens 98
African American teens 82