The Montague Vectaire Convection Oven provides precision baking, thanks to a unique indirect or “muffled” heating system that’s dependable and thorough. The key feature of the “muffled” design is its ability to prevent flue gases from entering the cooking chamber, thus reducing exposure to potentially harmful carbon monoxide gases. The closed chamber also allows for an undisturbed baking environment to maintain temperatures and ensures a more flavorful, perfect product with even browning and the best possible moisture. The oven comes with energy efficient burners, shorter preheat times and maintenance-free oven doors.
The Montague Co.
Hayward, Calif.
Charles Ross & Son offers the In-line SLIM system that dramatically improves powder induction in a liquid stream and eliminates “dusting” in the plant. The unique rotor/stator generator includes “Progressive Spiral Porting,” which produces a high flow, high shear and a high level of vacuum. This enables the system to operate without a pump and induct powders at unprecedented rates to produce shorter mixing cycles, improve end-product quality, provide an immediate lump free dispersion of the powders and allows for a safer working environment.
Charles Ross & Son Co.
Hauppauge, N.Y.
Heat and Control developed Information That Matters (ITM), an information notification and management platform, to improve overall equipment effectiveness in food processing plants. ITM shows how the manufacturing line is performing and enables operations, production and maintenance personnel to address manufacturing and quality control issues without delay. ITM also delivers key performance indicators and fault notification measures.
Heat and Control, Inc.
Hayward, Calif.
Hinds-Bock introduces its servo-driven fruit spreading machine, designed for dispensing and spreading delicate fruit products containing large particulates, such as cobbler and pie filling, without damaging the large fruit pieces. This machine gives uniform lead-edge to trail-edge, side-to-side coverage without plugging or bridging, which eliminates the labor typically associated with hand spreading. An operator interface panel with servo drive allows operators to tune the deposit amount and speed, while a positive shut-off mechanism ensures clean deposits.
Hinds-Bock Corp.
Bothell, Wash.
Triple/S Dynamics introduces the Slipstick de-shingling conveyor, which increases productivity by significantly reducing the number of shingled pretzels that result in scrap, therefore increasing line yields and reducing labor costs. The gentle horizontal, slow-advance, quick-return motion combined with aligning lanes and special de-shingling ramps for high efficiency and reduced salt loss from pretzels. The unique horizontal differential motion glides the product down the pan, eliminating breakage problems for fragile foods. The consistent conveying motion throughout the length, width and depth of the product bed helps prevent the buildup of oily fines. Because it isn’t dependent on impact to provide motion, the Slipstick conveys deep product beds uniformly with no stratification.
Triple/S Dynamics
Dallas, Texas
Wire-Belt says product recalls due to contamination are a food processor’s worst nightmare, especially during these tough economic times. That’s why Wire Belt’s newest conveyor belt, CompactGrid, is hygienically designed to protect products from deadly pathogens. The USDA-accepted CompactGrid is made of stainless steel with 70% open area and is created to replace hard-to-clean plastic modular belts.
Wire Belt Co. of America
Londonderry, N.H.
Ashworth has begun production of its eye-link belt, which are lightweight, straight-running conveyor belts. Eye-links make up the flat even surface for smooth product conveyance, and the overall construction provides a rigid structure that resists side-to-side deflection while enabling the belt to handle thousands of pounds of tension. Long favored by European processors, these belts are positively-driven by rollers, sprockets or a chain edge, while the roller drive system uses grooved rollers to engage the belt across its entire width to increase tension capabilities and drastically increase the life of the belt.
Ashworth Bros., Inc.
Winchester, Va.
The Watson-Marlow Pumps Group launched a line of MasoSine pumps designed for chocolate manufacturing. These pumps offer gentle product handling, low-pulsation conveyance, product integrity and cost-effective maintenance, and their simple design allows for easy maintenance and reduced downtime. Due to the design, the pumps can handle bigger particles resulting in smooth transfer for chocolate with inclusions, such as nuts or krispies. They also can integrate a variety of different sealing systems, such as gland packing or mechanical sealing.
The Watson-Marlow Pumps Group
Wilmington, Mass.
NDC Infrared Engineering launched a new InfraLab e-Series multi-component, the At-Line Snack Foods Analyzer. Suitable for extruded corn- and potato-based snacks, potato chips/crisps, low-fat snacks, tortillas, popcorn, pretzels, crackers and other baked or fried snacks, the analyzer uses non-contacting, multi-wavelength near infrared technology to measure the key parameters of moisture and oil. With a measurement period of less than 10 seconds, minimum sample preparation and no special user skills requirement, the InfraLab e-Series measures samples extracted at various stages of the process to improve process visibility and quickly manage and adjust process parameters to achieve a within-spec final product. The analyzer is calibrated to the process plant’s primary reference methods and provides measurements right beside the production line for reduced operator dependency, improved batch consistency and improved traceability.
NDC Infrared Engineering Inc.
Irwindale, Calif.
*image courtesy of The Montague Co.