Tasty Taco
Taco flour from Minsa is designed for in-line frying operations with minimal equilibration before frying. The medium/coarse grind reduces oil absorption and keeps puffing to a minimum. Taco shells are strong and flexible, reducing waste due to breakage. The white corn is processed into stoneground, corn masa flour, and is coarser than all taco flours. It is fortified with niacin, reduced iron, thiamin, riboflavin and has a trace of lime. 1-800-852-8291
Cheesy Chunks
Commercial Creamery offers Chunkettes, mini-chunks of cheese that can add great taste and visual appeal to artisan breads and biscuits. Made from naturally aged cheese, they are available in Cheddar cheese as well as Blue cheese for a more upscale product. The Chunkettes come in cubes that are roughly 1/8-in. by 1/8-in. to 1/2-in. by 1/2-in. 1-800-541-0850
Mellow Yellow
Organic Yellow from Minsa is yellow organic corn processed into stone-ground masa flour. It has a medium-fine grind with a trace of lime and no additives. Shelf life of the product is four months, and the flour is designed for the in-line production of yellow tortilla chips. It has a neutral pH and its medium grind controls blistering. 1-800-852-8291
The Power of Protein
FP 600 from MGP Ingredients is a specialty wheat protein used in flour tortilla applications. It significantly improves the shelf stability of tortillas, keeping them soft and flexible for between 20 and 24 days, depending on the inclusion rate. The product also enhances gluten performance in weak and moderate flours while allowing the dough to be extensible. 1-800-255-0302
Booth # 1463
Sweet 'n Creamy
Edlong Dairy Flavors introduces its Natural Sweet Cream Flavor #1964 WONF-Powder. The powder is highly concentrated and the water and oil dispersible flavor was designed for use in baking applications. The buttery and milky profile has cooked back-notes and is Kosher dairy certified. It is best-suited for applications such as pound cake, cookies, puddings and fillings. 1-888-MY-TASTE
Perfect Potassium
Balchem Corp. launched three microencapsulated forms of potassium, dipotassium phosphate and potassium chloride for the food and supplement industry. These microencapsulated ingredients overcome the common processing challenges that manufacturers often encounter when incorporating these minerals into products. Unlike other encapsulation systems that often generate a high proportion of agglomerates, Balchem's fluid-bed microencapsulation technology yields evenly coated, discrete particles that flow freely and mix uniformly in food systems for better processing and proper nutrient delivery and absorption. 1-800-641-2001
Booth #1321
When the Chips are Up
Blue chip organic from Minsa is blue organic corn processed into stoneground, corn masa flour, and is characterized by a medium-fine grind. It has a trace of lime and no additives. Shelf life of the product is four months and its flavor and odor are typical of corn. The flour is designed for the in-line production of tortilla chips, and it's neutral pH and medium grind controls blistering. 1-800-852-8291
Powerful Baking
Danisco introduces its POWERBake Advance, a new generation of strengtheners. It replaces SSL at dramatically reduced levels, saving both time and money. It is ideal for use in super premium, multi-grain and split-top breads. POWERBake Advance is designed as a mixture of the strongest-known dough conditioner and the most technically advanced enzymes produced. 1-800-255-6837
Booth 3351
Fantastic Flour
Siemer Milling Co. introduces heat-treated flour. The Gold Standard variety offers improved functional benefits, such as better adhesion, texturizing and thickening, for batter, breading, predust, soups, sauces, gravy and roux. The NutraGerm heat-treated flour is an exciting alternative to toasted or stabilized germ. The full-fat, shelf-stable product offers an appealing nutty flavor. The NutraBran is a stable fiber source that provides shelf life and improved microbiological results, and solutions for a variety of applications like health bars, cereals and drinks or baking additives or toppings. The LoMicro heat-treated flour has a reduction in the microbiological count of standard flour. 1-800-826-1065
Starring Fiber
FiberStar 70 from MGP Ingredients is a highly effective resistant starch developed for use in fiber enhancement. A wheat derivative, it is a natural fit for wheat flour-based product formulas and can partially replace flour in bakery products. FiberStar 70 has a clean flavor, white color and a smooth, creamy texture and maintains a nearly invisible presence in finished products. Applications include breads, muffins, waffles and breakfast cereals as well as nutritional bars. 1-800-255-0302
Booth # 1463
Finest Flaxseed Part 2
Low-carb flaxseed contributes less than 3% of net carbs and has a pleasant flavor. While high in dietary fiber and omega-3 content, it has a soft mouthfeel and good textural and water-binding properties. Pizzey's Milling SelectGrad whole, milled flaxseed replaces up to 20% of the flour in many bread and bakery formulations or 50% or more of the crumb fraction in deep-fried, battered or breaded products. Other applications include tortillas, pitas, cookies, pancakes, waffles and pizza crust. 1-800-804-6433
Booth # 1618
Boosting BBQ
Have some fun with BBQ! Commercial Creamery Co. offers a variety pack of BBQ Seasonings from around the world. Contact the company and ask for the BBQ Sampler Pack, with several of the most popular BBQ seasonings, and see how you can spice things up. 1-800-541-0850
How Sweet It Is
Litesse polydextrose from Danisco Sweeteners is a glucose polymer that is designed to resist human digestive enzymes. It passes into the colon where it acts as a prebiotic fiber, selectively stimulating desirable bacteria such as Bifidobacteria and reducing putrefactive bacteria by competition. This dietary approach to improving gut health has become an important goal given the increasing prevalence of gastrointestinal disorders. Litesse is fermented slowly, mediating a protective effect throughout the colon, and is a choice ingredient for such applications as nutritional products. 1-800-255-6837
Booth # 1463
Wonderful Wheat
FP 600, a specialty wheat protein from MGP Ingredients helps create softer, more pliable flour tortillas. The addition of the protein to a moderate flour significantly improves the shelf-life stability of flour tortillas. Tortillas containing this unique wheat protein remain soft for 20 to 24 days. Also, it enhances gluten performance in weak and moderate flours while allowing the dough to be extensible. 1-800-255-0302
Outstanding Organic
Organic White from Minsa is white organic corn processed into stone-ground corn masa flour. Characterized by a medium-fine grind, it has no additives. The flour has a trace of lime, and is designed for the in-line production of white tortilla chips. It is neutral in pH and the medium grind controls the blistering. It is made from 100% white corn and is Kosher certified. 1-800-852-8291
Powerful Baking
Danisco offers its new enzyme, GRINDAMYL POWERBake, for both large- and small- scale bakeries. It is not affected by the natural content of inhibitors in wheat flour, which normally undermines the positive effect of enzymes. To standardize the varying qualities of flours from different regions, as well as to ensure high-quality flour, the enzyme xylanase is often added to the flour. But the natural presence in the flour of so-called xylanase inhibitors has limited the effect of the enzymes. With GRINDAMYL POWERBake, Danisco solved this problem. 1-800-255-6837
Booth # 3351
Super Soy
ADM has a range of soy proteins to meet manufacturers' needs. The high-quality isolated soy proteins and soy protein concentrates are perfect for bakery applications including cakes and cake donuts, specialty breads and rolls, sweet goods, cookies, pizza doughs, tortillas and more. Using ADM soy proteins, manufacturers can produce a wide range of soy protein fortified bakery products without affecting the products' texture or taste. 1-800-637-5843
Sing the Blues
Edlong Flavors added its new Natural Non-Dairy Flavor #4728 – Spray Dry (Bleu Type) to its line of VISION/ED-Vance Kosher Parve dairy-type flavors. Non-genetically engineered, this Danish Bleu Cheese-type flavor has a balanced, creamy, musty and ketonic profile. Water and oil dispersible, it is recommended for use in sauces, salad dressings, topical seasonings, crackers and cheese analogs. 1-888-MY-TASTE
Best Base
Tijuana Tortilla Plus from Caravan is an 8.5% base used in the production of high-quality flour tortillas with extended shelf-life. Featured at the 2003 TIA convention, the product contains two mold-inhibitors for long-lasting shelf stability. It also produces dough with maximum machinability and reduced "snap back." The base makes a tasty tortilla with maximum flexibility for an extended shelf-life. 1-800-526-5261
Booth #3329
Mighty Meat
WILD Flavors meat flavors provide specific cooked notes and characters that cannot be achieved using compound flavors. The flavors are designed to reproduce specific cooking methods such as roasting, frying, grilling and baking. The profiles included in this section are sautéed, brothy, roasted, grilled, rare and fatty. The unique MTSa Technology allows WILD to combine several flavor creation technologies to produce the outstanding flavors. 1-800-677-2722
Serious Stability
The Gelogen GT series of stabilizers from Degussa designs blends specific to manufacturer's formulation needs. The GT series provides many benefits including improved machinability and consistent diameter for improved tortillas. The stabilizers give increased shelf-life with lasting pliability and flexibility in products and the edges stay moist and tender, and have a refrigerated/freeze-thaw tolerance. 1-800-241-9485
Shining Shield
SHIELD products from Kemin extend the shelf life of bakery products and tortillas without affecting their traditional flavors. The Shield brand CA Liquid is an alternative to dry calcium propionate. The liquid formula gives ideal dispersion throughout the dough system, and the automation option reduces weighing variability and improves shelf life and consistency. It also eliminates dust associated with dry preservatives and improves the taste of the finished product. 1-866-536-4666
Number One Chips
Tortilla Chip 1 from Minsa is white corn processed into stone-ground, corn masa flour and is characterized by a medium-fine grind. With no additives and a trace of lime, this flour is designed for the in-line production of white tortilla chips. It is a neutral pH and has a medium grind to control blistering. 1-800-852-8291
New View
Edlong Flavors released Natural Non-Dairy Flavor #2658 – Powder to its extensive Vision line of specialty Kosher Pareve dairy-type flavor products. This sharp, savory and buttery Cheddar has fruity backnotes typical of well-aged cheeses. Water and oil dispersible, it is recommended for use in sauces and dips, salad dressings, topical seasonings, crackers and cheese analogs. 1-888-MY-TASTE
Outstanding Oil
Loders Croklaan introduces Durkex NT 100 high stability oil, the ideal no-trans solution for spray oil needs. It is a no-trans, non-hydrogenated liquid oil that combines high stability with a low solids profile to deliver the specific functionality required from spray oil. It is ideal for use as a flavor carrier, an anti-dusting agent for seasonings, spices, drink mixes, or any powder, as well as a coating for dried fruits and nuts. 1-800-621-4710
Booth # 715
Whip It Up
Edlong introduces a new profile to its extensive line of concentrated dairy flavors with Natural Heavy Cream Flavor #3100. The new profile emulsion is a water-dispersible emulsion that is certified Kosher Dairy with other natural flavors. With all the characters of Heavy Whipping Cream and all the sweet milky butterfat notes manufacturers would expect, the new profile's applications include microwave and white sauces, dressings, pound cakes and frozen novelties. 1-888-MY-TASTE
Cheese Power
Commercial Creamery Co. introduces Cheddar Cheese Crumbettes. These innovative shelf-stable cheese pieces combine the appearance of little cheese crumbs and the flavor and aroma of toasted cheese. Able to withstand high temperatures and maintain visual identity in products, they are ideal for baked goods, dips, dressings, sauces, breading, potatoes, rice, pasta and snack foods. Other varieties available include Parmesan cheese and blue cheese. 1-800-541-0850
Forget the Fat
SansTrans from Loders Croklaan is the solution for customer concerns about the health impact of hydrogenation. This no trans, non-hydrogenated fats and oils product is available in several product offerings. For example, while SansTrans 50 is ideal for structuring fat for icing and bakery dry mixes, SansTrans 45 works well in plastic shortening for cookies and crackers. SansTrans fats and oils are also available in fry and liquid fry varieties. 1-800-621-4710
Booth # 715
International Cheese
Edlong Flavors introduces Asiago Cheese flavor to its extensive line of specialty dairy flavor products. This savory Italian cheese flavor is a cross between sharp white Cheddar and aged Parmesan. With sour, lipolytic, meaty and yeasty notes, this water and oil dispersible powder has no MSG, and is certified Kosher dairy. It is recommended for use in baked goods, sauces and dips, and more. 1-888-MY-TASTE
Ethnic Diversity
The popularity of ethnic foods has caused a flavor explosion across the country as Americans are asking for and enjoying spiciness like never before. From Nuevo Latino to Thai, TABASCO brand Industrial Ingredients can give products both the spice and the flavor. McIlhenny Co. invites people to "Play With Your Food" and discover how any of 10 varieties of Industrial Ingredients can take the most exotic foods to even newer heights. 1-407-814-2488
Tantalizing Tortillas
Tortilla Chip 4 from Minsa is white corn processed into stoneground, corn masa flour. It has a coarse grind characteristic with no additives and contains a trace of lime. It has a neutral pH and is designed to be blended with a finer flour to produce tortillas or chips with special bite or texture requirements. The product is certified Kosher. 1-800-852-8291
Glo'in in the Dark
After-Glo from Brolite is a unique blend of non-dairy ingredients designed to provide an excellent shine to yeast in raised breads, buns and rolls. The product does not lump and can be applied with automatic sprayers. It should be used with 12 parts water to one part After-Glo.
Booth # 4712
Sweet Success
Nestlé offers morsels, miniatures and candy inclusions/toppings for manufacturers. Nestlé morsels include Toll House Chunks, white morsels, milk chocolate and peanut morsels and more for baking. Nestlé miniatures are perfect for snack packs. Also, favorite Nestlé candy inclusions and toppings are available in pieces for use in snack, baking and ice cream products. 1-866-429-5371
Booth # 1009
Sunny Side Up
NuSun is a mid-oleic sunflower oil that contains more than 90% unsaturated fat – about 65% monounsaturated fat and 26% polyunsaturated fat – and less than 10% saturated fat. This optimal balance of fat is consistent with current dietary fat recommendations. Substituting two tablespoons of NuSun sunflower oil daily in place of saturated fat has a significantly better cholesterol-lowering effect than substituting a similar amount of olive oil. 1-701-328-5100
Organic Growth
New organic coatings and flavorings from Sunrich include dairy powders like Cheddar cheese, Italian-type and sour cream, snack coatings like nacho cheese, sour cream and onion, savory flavors like organic spray-dried soysauce, tamari and miso and sweet flavors like organic spray-dried honey and molasses. The snack coatings and flavorings are produced using organic and non-GMO/identity-preserved raw materials. Sunrich's processing techniques are certified organic and Kosher. 1-800-297-5997
Spice It Up
TABASCO Dry Flavoring has been adding great taste to food for more than 130 years. With seven products like Dry Flavoring, Processor's Blend, Crushed Pepper, Pepper Sauce, Pepper Pulp, Liquid Jalapeño and Jalapeño Dry Flavoring, the different formulations are available to add unique spice and flavor to products. 1-407-814-2488
Take to Heart
New from RFI Ingredients is OxyPhyte Heart Blend, the latest addition to the OxyPhyte antioxidant line. Created to meet demand for products that promote healthy hearts while offering additional antioxidant benefits, the new OxyPhyte Heart Blend is a combination of the four most potent polyphenolic ingredients: green tea, apple, pomegranate and red wine. In addition, the product offers a high oxygen radical absorption capacity value and can economically provide the antioxidant equivalent of several servings of fruits and vegetables in supplement or functional food/beverage form. 1-800-962-7663
Ed-Vancing Along
Ed-Vance is the new non-GE line from Edlong Flavors. These products contain no additives or ingredients that are sourced or derived from engineered/modified or genetically engineered/modified organisms. Also, Ed-Vance Flavors do not contain additives or ingredients that are produced by using genetically engineered materials as processing aids or additives, and none of the additives and ingredients used are likely to contain DNA and/or protein resulting from genetic engineered/modification. The Ed-Vance line is available in a vast array of flavors. 1-888-MY-TASTE
Fabulous Flexibility
Versatility is key for Terri Lynn Inc. A natural plus for dairy, bakery and confectionery products, the company can help manufacturers match individual needs with a wide variety of food types and sizes, as well as consistent quality. Giving manufacturers a premium ingredient to fit specific formulations, Terri Lynn Inc. can also ship truckloads in a single day from its locations. 1-800-323-0775
Booth # 1221
Directory Assistance
The Non-GMO Source directory from National Starch enables food manufacturers and others to locate ingredient suppliers and products formulated without genetically modified organisms (GMO). The buyer's guide contains suppliers of non-GMO seeds, crops, ingredients and food products. 1-800-797-4992
Starch Specials
From AVEBE comes a line of functional starches designed to improve the texture and processing of savory snacks, including extruded snacks, sheeted and fried or baked snacks, and coated nuts. The new Snack Tex line includes cold soluble and CWS starches based upon a potato and waxy maize, giving excellent dough sheetability and highly expanded snacks. Also included in the line are new Cook-Up Potato Starches, which can improve crispness in oven-baked snacks. At a fat content below 10% Snack Tex starches yield good dough properties, high expansion, crunchy textures and limited breakage. 1-609-520-1400
Great Taste + Nutrition
Flav-R-Bites from Cereal Ingredients, Inc. are highly flavored and developed specifically for nutritional food bar applications. Flav-R-Bites are specifically formulated for customers' requirements and can be fortified to increase the nutritional content of food bars. They can be made very soft and tender or firm enough to withstand rigorous processing. 1-816-891-1055
Veggie Crazy!
WILD Flavors has developed a line of roasted vegetable flavors containing no peanut or sesame-derived ingredients. Roasted vegetables in the line include roasted onion, roasted red onion, roasted garlic, roasted red bell pepper, roasted green chili, roasted green bell pepper, roasted mushroom, roasted porcini mushroom and sautéed porcini mushroom. Each flavor can deliver a unique profile for applications in culinary, bakery and snack products while helping customers avoid allergy concerns. 1-800-677-2722
Talking Taquitos
Taquito 1 from Minsa is yellow corn processed into stone-ground, corn masa flour. Characterized by a slightly coarser grind, it has a typical flavor and odor of corn. The product has a four-month shelf-life when kept cool and dry, and is designed for the production of rolled taquitos or enchiladas. It is Kosher certified. 1-800-852-8291
Corn Craziness
White and yellow blended corn is processed into stoneground corn masa flour to make up Minsa's Corn Chip 4. With 30% white corn and 70% yellow corn, the product has no additives and a trace of lime. Shelf life of the masa is four months, and the flavor and odor are typical of corn. This flour is designed for extruded or roll die cut corn chips. It is a coarse grind with a slightly alkaline pH. 1-800-852-8291
Got Milk-Free?
J&K Ingredients introduces Milk-Free, a non-dairy replacement for milk and non-fat dry milk solids. Certified Kosher-Pareve, Milk-Free includes all the benefits of milk and costs up to 50% less. The product delivers a better crust color and improved crumb character and whiteness when used in breads, buns and rolls. A free flowing, light cream powder, it's used at a rate of 1 to 8% based on the flour. Milk-Free is rich in lysine and improves the nutritional value of baked goods, perfect for today's growing number of lactose-intolerant consumers. 1-800-691-1498
Milking It
Edlong Flavors introduces two new members to the Vision line of non-dairy, Kosher Pareve cheese-type, butter-type and milk-type flavors. Artificial Sweetened Condensed Milk Flavor is available in liquid or spray-dried powder. Water soluble, the creamy, cooked caramel notes of this pleasing milk flavor come through, and applications for the product include instant and cooked puddings, syrups, candies, frozen novelties, sweet cream fillings and pound cakes. 1-888-MY-TASTE.
Bar None
SPI Polyols, Inc. introduces a line of Maltisweet Maltitol Syrup products which offer many advantages over corn syrup, fructose and glycerin in high protein/nutritional bar formulations. Specifically, formulating with Maltisweet B and Maltisweet MH80 results in bars with softer centers, increased shelf life, improved organoleptic properties and better moisture control within the bar. 1-800-789-9755
Put the Cap On
International Flavors & Fragrances Inc. now offers CapLock, a new flavor encapsulation technology, which provides premium flavor quality and stability, even after 24 months of storage. IFF's CapLock Flavors can be used in baked goods, confectionery, dry savory mixes and more, to improve top note retention resulting in fresher flavor profiles compared to traditional encapsulation technologies such as spray drying. It provides resistance against moisture absorption during typical handling in food manufacturing facilities and storage. 1-732-329-4600
Packing a Punch
Brolite Products, Inc. produces FFP San Francisco concentrate, a powerful 5X strength sour for use in breads, rolls, English muffins and snack foods. A combination of corn starch, wheat flour, salt, fumaric acid, sodium silico alumniate, lactic acid and acetic acid, this white sour produces tangy and flavorful breads. 1-888-BROLITE
Chocolate Filling
Henry & Henry's Chocolate Fillin' Bake #4022 is a rich filling aimed at satisfying chocolate cravings. The spreadable, bakeable chocolate filling is shelf and freeze-thaw stable. No refrigeration is required, and the filling comes packaged in a 40-lb. pail. It's ideal for all types of baked goods and snacks, including cheesecakes, cookies, pies and strudel. A leading manufacturer of quality fruit and crème fillings, icings, glazes and other specialty products, H&H has been in existence for more than 100 years. 1-800-828-7130
Sprinkling of Color
Decorettes, Sprinkles and Toppers from QA Products are the standard by which the baking and food industry judges its colored confectionery toppings. Decorettes are 2 mm in diameter, the sprinkles are 1.5 mm, and Toppers, the gourmet item in the line, are also 1.5 mm in diameter. The ingredients are offered in various colors, such as customized PMS color matching. In addition, special product blends are available. 1-800-635-7907
High Shine
Loders Croklaan offers Kao-brand of confectionery coating fats. Combining the qualities of cocoa butter with superior bloom resistance and high heat tolerance, Kao-coating fats deliver the performance to ensure the quality of the end product. Kao-brand coating fats are easy to use, offer high stability, and provide excellent gloss. 1-800-621-4710
Make Mine Sour
Brolite's FFP California Sour #9813 produces a smooth fermentation flavor in specialty white breads and rolls. This single-strength, white sour contains rye and corn flours as well as naturally fermented lactic acid and cornstarch for a smooth blend.
Even Straight, Walnuts are Great
Everybody knows walnuts are wonderful in breads, cookies, snacks and other savory treats. Part of the appeal is their extensive health benefits, enticing consumers looking for a treat without the guilt. For example, seasoned, spiced or honey-coated walnuts are great out-of-hand snacks. Walnuts also combine well with other healthy ingredients like fruits and vegetables, as well as yogurt, beans and cheese. Their delicate, slightly astringent flavor actually helps enhance other flavors. The Walnut Marketing Board offers industrial booklets and flyers with technical specifications and recipes. 1-800-982-8345
Heating it Up
Gertrude Hawk Ingredients offers Bakeables - add-ins for baked cookies, brownies and muffins. Formulated especially for bakers, these chocolate-flavored shapes with unique filled centers resist melting and deliver superb taste and appearance to baked goods. In addition, Bakeables are Kosher. Fillings include peanut butter, caramels, fudge, and a variety of fruit-based centers. Proprietary shapes can be designed for tie-ins to trendy characters from film or television as well as sports-related items. 1-800-556-0463
ignature Decorating
Sugar-shaped decors manufactured by Signature Brands provide an exciting way to add value by theming your desserts. Sugar-shaped decors can be used on a wide variety of different desserts, including cookies, cakes, ice creams and donuts. Sugar shapes can add a holiday theme to holiday treats or dress up everyday desserts. The decors are offered in a wide variety of designs and can be custom-mixed or manufactured using custom PMS colors. 1-800-456-9573
Awesome Avocado
Commercial Creamery Co. offers avocado powder for seasonings as well as complete guacamole seasonings. Both are made from fresh avocados giving unique flavor and intense green color for visual impact. 1-800-541-0850
Oh, Honey!
Red Star Dry Honey Star and Red Star Super Bee Honey replacers from Lesaffre are easy to use and cost about the same as natural honey. Made with natural honey and other ingredients, Super Bee Honey is scaled the same as natural honey but is less viscous and slightly less sticky. Red Star Dry Honey Star is a dry honey replacer that provides the same flavor of natural honey at a lower usage level. The replacers can be used in any application that uses natural honey. 1-877-677-7000
Pleasing Peanut Butter
Wild Flavors offers a range of truly authentic peanut butter flavors for use in confections. These flavors deliver the genuine taste of peanut butter designed to deliver true-to-life character in confections. The flavors provide excellence in candy bars, icings, toppings, cheesecake, peanut bars, nutritional bars, cookies, and peanut butter fudge. 1-859-342-3526
Outrageous Onion
McCormick Flavors introduces new onion flavors, with flavor types such as roasted onion, toasted onion, spring onion, sautéed onion, beefy onion, mushroom onion and onion with a pungent bite. Available in oil soluble, dry and Kosher forms, the onion flavor profiles can be used in a variety of applications. Developed to meet the needs of industrial food processors offering exciting new flavor blends to consumers in a multitude of products, these high impact flavors deliver the desired onion flavor. 1-410-771-7500
Gum of A New Generation
Tate & Lyle PLC announced plans to develop and manufacture Xanthan Gum and other related bio products from carbohydrate feedstock. Xanthan has a global market and is used extensively as a food ingredient with thickening and gelling properties. Xanthan will add to the company's already existing product line of carbohydrate-based ingredients. 1-800-526-5728
Sturdy Starches
Novelose and Hi-Maize resistant starches from National Starch offer a lowered glycemic response of carbohydrate-rich foods, deliver dietary fiber and promote colon health by favoring production of microorganisms that are beneficial to the colon. They also produce butyrate, a favorite fuel of colon cells. National Starch treats a specially bred cornstarch, to produce a resistant starch that withstands baking, extrusion and other conditions of food processing. 1-800-797-4992
Cool Cakes
With its high emulsifying system, Cremol from Bunge Foods produces stable icings and cream fillings, creating tender and moist cakes. When used in bucket-icing applications, Cremol provides excellent shelf stability. 1-800-828-0800
Booth # 2425
Cheesy Cakes
Edlong Dairy Flavors introduces Natural Cheesecake Flavor #4563. This highly concentrated spray-dried powder flavor is water dispersible and is specifically designed for baking applications. The sweet, buttery cheesecake flavor is very creamy and slightly fruity. It is Kosher dairy certified and ideal applications include cheesecakes, cookies, pound cake, fillings and puddings. 1-888-MY-TASTE
Saucy, Saucy!
Salted snacks, dips and dipping sauces have more flavors, more spice and more heat. TABASCO brand Industrial Ingredients are zapping up snacks and dips like never before. From pork rinds and popcorn to meat snacks and salsas, the possibilities are endless with 10 varieties, including the original Red Pepper Sauce, Dry Red Flavoring, Processor's Blend, Crushed Red Pepper, Jalapeño Green Sauce, Jalapeño Dry Flavoring and new Chipotle Sauce. Mix them in, sprinkle them on, whatever the application, it's a flavor explosion. 1-407-814-2488
Low Carb Sweeteners
Litesse polydextrose, lactitol and xylitol from Danisco Sweeteners are specialty carbohydrates that have a low glycemic index and are ideal for developing products suitable for "low carb" consumers. These sugar free and reduced calorie ingredients have a minimal impact on blood glucose levels and insulin demand and can be used to replace high glycemic carbohydrates such as sugars, starches and maltodextrins. In addition, they are well tolerated and can be used in a variety of applications to improve the nutritional profile. 1-800-255-6837
Booth # 3351
Dry It Out
National Starch introduces its DRY-TACK 250 food binder, which adheres seasonings, flavors and particulates to snacks, breads, cereals and other low-moisture baked goods without adding oil. After a short period of post-heating above 250°F, this starch-based dry powder adheres to foods and is especially suited for large particulates such as dried fruits, nuts, meat and herbs. The binder melts within 20 to 90 seconds and quickly forms a strong bond with the food substrate. 1-800-797-4992
Perfect Pellet
Limagrain Céréales Ingrédients, a French ingredient producer, supplies both snack pellets and maize grits to snack manufacturers worldwide and have recently concentrated efforts on ways to offer products with enhanced nutritional qualities. The three-dimensional Quadritos snack pellet will be showcased at SNAXPO in Philadelphia. The innovative wheat snack pellet can expand with hot air, offering a no fat option to conventional snacks. Quadritos are rich in vegetable proteins, minerals, complex glucides, and fibers, and also contain 50% less salt than most snack pellets.
Crystal Clear
Alberger brand salt crystals from Cargill have a unique crystal structure that has made it a favorite for years with food processors, bakers and gourmet chefs. It has a pure, clean flavor without the metallic or off-flavor aftertaste often found in other salt. Main grades of the additive-free Alberger salt include flake salt, coarse topping flake salt, special flake salt, fine flake salt, Kosher salt and canning and pickling salt. 1-888-385-SALT
Booth # 1717
Blending the Best
The Blendex Company's primary business is to blend dry ingredients for the food industry, and is committed to total quality management. The company can meet specifications for products and does private labeling as well, using the finest ingredients, carefully inspected and scientifically blended, providing consistent quality, unvarying flavor and dependable performance.
Boisterous Blueberries
The fresh fruit taste of ripe blueberries is sweet, tart, delicious and good for you, all rolled into one. Van Drunen Farms selects only the finest blueberries from the best growers for use in the food-processing industry. Freeze-dried blueberries can be stirred into doughs and batters, infused berries are processed in a sugar solution, and drum-dried blueberry flakes or powder are easy to add to bakery mixes, all of which produce a product that carries a distinctive color swirled throughout and maintains almost all of its nutrient quality and harvest-fresh flavor. 1-815-472-3100
Trim the Carbs
To meet growing consumer demand for low-carb, reduced calorie breads, Caravan Products developed TRIM-CARB, a new line of high-fiber, reduced sugar bases and mixes designed for pan breads, rolls, flat breads, bagels, tortillas and pizza products. TRIM-CARB is a free-flowing powder and is available in 50 lb. poly-lined cardboard cartons.
Booth #3329
Sunlite Shining
Sunlite Pellets from J.R. Short Milling offer a wide variety of shapes, from simple crisps to chips, spirals, tubes, grids and rings, and even some animal shapes. Beginning with corn, wheat, oats or almost any other grain source, the ingredients are converted into unique shapes. Also, customized development is available, and the pellets are ideal for applications with breakfast cereals and snacks. The pellets are a great choice for high-protein, nutritional bars and as the primary ingredient in rice cakes and low-calorie snacks. 1-800-544-8734
Nutty Flour
Hughson Nut, Inc. offers Almond Flour for use in the bakery, health and snack food industries. Almond flour, also known as almond meal, is a low carbohydrate alternative to wheat flour. Hughson's Almond Flour is stoneground with no additives or preservatives and can be used for breads, cookies, pancakes, muffins and more. Flour is available in 25-lb. boxes. 1-209-883-0403
Rockin' Rye
Brolite offers customers a variety of rye sours for use in baking. For example, the FFP Melba Sour produces a mellow, tangy flavor in melba toast and all types of rye breads, rolls and pumpernickel. The Super Vita Rye Sour is a naturally fermented rye flavor that contains a blend of spices, producing a high-quality rye product with "Old World" flavor and aroma. All of the rye sours are a perfect blend of ingredients and function, giving bread that distinctive taste. 1-888-BROLITE
Booth # 4712