Company: Multi-Conveyor
Equipment Snapshot: Multi-Conveyor has provided a divert system to accept properly sealed product at the discharge of a case sealer. The system is designed to redirect any of the 50-lb. cases that are detected with open flaps (unsealed cases).
The initial 15” wide x 30” long mild steel construction diverter infeed conveyor is used to create the required minimum gapping necessary for the divert process. A DARB (dual activated roller belt) Switch was then chosen as the divert belting of choice.
Properly sealed cases that are not indicated to have an open flap, will continue straight across the 48” wide DARB 4500 diverter to the customer’s finished product conveyor.
When the system signals an open flap has been detected, the unsealed case will be tracked and diverted using pneumatic actuation under the DARB rollers. The case will be moved to the opposite side of divert section, where it will transfer onto the customer’s existing reject conveyor.
The choice to use DARB, made by Intralox, is application specific and is based on case rate, footprint, product dimensions, and product characteristics. In this instance, the S4500 DARB Switch enabled the conveyor to meet both case rate requirements and the required divert vector based on the 4’-7” of space available.
Every Multi-Conveyor project is constructed and factory-tested in our shop, confirming functionality of design to meet or exceed our customer’s requirements. FAT’s are always encouraged prior to shipment.
Learn more about all of Multi-Conveyor’s activated and integrated roller-belting solutions by visiting