Produced by the American Bakers Association and Hearthside University, the program is designed to address the baking industry’s workforce skills gap and develop future leaders.
Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5 has resulted in the deaths of 35 million egg-laying hens, a loss of 12 percent of the egg industry. An immediate concern is shortages of egg products used in the bakery industry.
The American Bakers Association (ABA) will consider candidates for its 2014-2016 board of directors on March 16 during an All Membership Meeting at the 2014 ABA Convention.
The American Bakers Association’s Executive Leadership Development Committee (ELDC) will hold its ELDC Baking Industry Leadership Forum on Oct. 8 in Las Vegas, during the International Baking Industry Exposition (IBIE).
Paula Marshall, CEO of The Bama Companies, will serve on the American Bakers Association’s Executive Leadership Development Committee (ELDC) Baking Industry Leadership Forum during IBIE.