Abraham Greenberg founded the Union Confectionery Machinery Co. in 1912 after a career as a candy jobber.
Now, 100 years later, the company is thriving with an inventory of more than 25,000 machines, and is widely considered a leader in the supply of new, used and reconditioned processing and packaging machinery.
And it’s still being run by Greenbergs - specifically, Andy, Jim and John Greenberg, the fourth generation of leadership.
Union is celebrating the milestone this year.
Jim Greenberg, co-president, says the company - which buys, sells and rebuilds equipment for clients around the globe, and also conducts auctions, liquidations and appraisals of machinery - has stayed true to its origins throughout the last century.
“Other than the fact that we are now computerized, the nuts and bolts of our business have been the same for 100 years,” says Greenberg. “We’ve had the same commitment, the same attention to detail, and in some cases many of the same customers. Many of our customers are the same from 60 and 70 years ago.”
Union’s world headquarters is located in The Bronx, New York, with a secondary plant located in Mexico City, and offices in Chicago and Phoenix. A collection of videos and other media celebrating the company’s long history will be available for viewing on their website during 2012.
For more information, visit www.unionmachinery.com.