Although there will not be any ProSweets exhibit during the upcoming International Sweets and Biscuits Fair (ISM), which will be held in Cologne Jan. 30 – Feb. 1 next year, organizers have scheduled the first topic-specific conference during the famed confectionery exposition.
The conference, which will focus on flavoring technologies and
consumer preferences in the confectionery industry, will kick off at 12:30 p.m.
on Feb. 1, in Koelnmesse’s Congress Centre East, immediately adjacent to the
ISM fair
The ProSweets Cologne Conference, which is being organized in
cooperation with Koelnmesse GmbH by FachInform GmbH, the publisher of the trade
magazine FOOD DESIGN, will examine
the use of flavorings as one of the decisive factors in the manufacturing and
marketing of confectionery and snack items.
Presentations by a host of experts will provide product
developers, decision makers and specialist quality management and manufacturing
employees an ideal opportunity to obtain concise information on the latest
trends and research results in confectionery flavor developments.
Participation in the conference, which will be held exclusively
in English, costs €299 (plus VAT) and includes admission to ISM. Some of the
presentations scheduled for the conference include: “How the confectionery
color matrix influences flavor perception,”
by Rikke Sakstrup Frandsen (TBC), manager ITC, NEE & Global
Expertise Chr. Hansen A/S; “Which flavor delivery technology for which
purpose?,” by Andrew Morrison, Givaudan; “Masking of unsavory or bitter
flavors,” by Christian Sobolta, sales director, Firmenich GmbH; “Combining
flavors,” by Markus Weiher, head of business development & sales, Curt
Georgi GmbH & Co. KG; “Learning from the past: Which flavors stay in the
long run and which turn out to be a flash in the pan?” by Claudia and Wolfgang
Holley, FOOD DESIGN - FachInform GmbH; “Product scouting:
Flavoring concepts from selected countries worldwide,” by Lu Ann Williams, head
of research, Innova Market Insights, “Natural flavors - which are the options?”by Hélène Möller,
product manager – ingredients, WILD Flavors Berlin GmbH & Co. KG; “Be
natural - The new EC flavoring
regulation and consumer perception,” by Jeanette Moree, marketing manager,
global business unit – sweet, Symrise; and “Gazing into the future” by Claudia
and Wolfgang Holley, Wolfgang Holley, FOOD
DESIGN - FachInform GmbH.
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