The Spanish confectionery industry now has a new group to look to for support.
Five segments within the Spanish sweets market have formed the new Spanish Confectionery Association (PRODULCE). The new group will replace the now defunct Federation of Spanish Confectionery Associations (FEAD).
The group will focus on representing and protecting the common interests of the confectionery sector as well as enhancing the reputation of the confectionery industry both in Spain and in Europe as a whole.
The new association comes after a reassessment of FEAD and organizers hope it will provide greater representation in the food industry. The organization was formed by 62 companies that work in the sweets and chewing-gum; chocolate and cocoa products; biscuits; turron and marzipans; and fine bakery wares industries. Together, the group represent 85% of the Spanish market in those categories.
“Joining the efforts of a range of different partners in the same sector will allow us to convey most effectively the values and strengths of an industry that provides jobs to more than 115,000 people and represents the 19% of the growth in food and beverage business in Spain,” says Olga Martínez, PRODULCE president.
With €4.625 billion in sales in 2010, the confectionery sector in Spain represents 6% of the food and beverages industry. Overall, the food and beverages industry in Spain posted €81.369 billion in sales last year, or 8% of the Spanish GDP.
The confectionery sector in Spain ranks as the 5th largest confectionery producer in the European Union, with Germany, United Kingdom, France and Italy at the top of the list.
PRODULCE plans to be an active member of the Spanish Food and Drinks Federation (FIAB) on a national level, and CAOBISCO (Association of chocolate, biscuit and confectionery industries of the European Union) on a European level.
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