Monday, April 27
Back to Basics – Cocoa Beans to Chocolate LiquorWelcome and Introduction
Steve Genzoli, v.p. - research & development/quality assurance,Ghirardelli Chocolate Co., provides a basic overview of the topic and highlights specific presentations.
Cocoa Bean Production Review
Blommer Chocolate Co.’sKip Walk, director of the cocoa department, examines the major cocoa growing regions of the world, the regional status of these areas in terms of politics, diseases and decline in production and the impact of specialty brands on bean supply. In addition, he provides a forecast on bean supply for the next 10-20 years and explores the best options for crop expansion and cost impacts.

Gary Guittard, president and ceo ofGuittard Chocolate Co., introduces attendees to a brief history of the origins and distributions of Criollo, Forastero, and Trinitario cacao beans while simultaneously providing the audience with tasting samples of origin chocolates made from these very beans. Field processing conditions (fermentation and drying) will also be discussed along with common processing defects. Ripe cocoa pods will be available during the break for tasting pulp and raw beans.
Cocoa Processing from Raw Bean Clean up to Roasting and Alkalizing
In addition to explaining the cocoa process from raw bean clean up to alkalizing and roasting,Jürgen Fischer, managing director,Bühler Barth AGout of Freiberg/Neckar, Germany, will provide an overview that examines other main processing steps such as bean pretreatment, winnowing and sterilizing. The presentation will cover the two main processing philosophies; cocoa nib technology for nib roasting and cocoa bean technology for bean roasting.
Nib Grinding Process
Tom Velthuis, international sales manager, forPM Duyvis/Wiener, focuses on the cocoa nib grinding system that transforms roasted nibs into liquor. He will discuss the engineering and design elements involving a refining system that consists of a beater blade mill and ball mills as well as compare standard quality parameters (WSR and particle size distribution, viscosity and Fe-content) in such a system. Velthius will also look at the most recent developments in liquor grinding, referencing past and current systems and existing principles and process parameters.
Tuesday, April 28
Reginald Ohlson, retired from Mars, Inc., will moderate the morning sessions.Exploring the Health of Fats Found in Confections
Amy Griel, senior nutrition scientist,The Hershey Co., will present results from clinical nutrition studies that highlight the diverse health effects of dietary fats, focusing on “better-for-you” fats and their role in confections. She will include practical examples and offer ideas on how confections can be included in an overall healthy lifestyle.
Cocoa Flavanols and Cardiovascular Health – An Update on the Science
In her talk,Catherine Kwik-Uribe, cocoa flavanols research manager,Mars, Inc.delivers a brief introduction into the nutritional components of cocoa, and then provides an overview of the current science as it relates to the potential cardiovascular benefits of cocoa flavanols.

Roquette America’s associate program coordinator,Thomas E. Parady, covers the health benefits of soluble fibers, including various prebiotic effects and satiety. He also examines strategies that incorporate soluble fibers into various confections, including fiber’s effect on texture and graining as well as its use in sugar reduction.

Byron F. Brehm-Stecher, assistant professor, department of food science and human nutrition,Iowa State University, provides a brief background on different “types” of nanotechnology and how this developing field may impact the food industry. Examples will be given of current food nanotech applications, as well as potential future developments, with a particular focus on implications for the confectionery industry.
New Film and Coating Technology to Extend Shelf-Life
Anisong Pathammavong, market/business development manager,Printpack, Inc., tracks down the latest developments in clear, high-barrier packaging, a technology that benefits marketing by enabling consumers to see the product before they purchase it.
Rose Potts, from the Blommer Chocolate Co. moderates the afternoon session.
Natural Colors in Confections
In the wake of the Southampton study, the food industry’s interest in naturally derived colorants is growing.Aminah Lewis, business development manager forColorcon, discusses the Southampton study, the unique characteristics of exempt colorants and offers formulation advice to ensure color optimization in confectionery applications. Global regulatory considerations will also discussed.

Phil Cartier, a consultant in chocolate, confectionery and panning, reviews the role of shelf life testing, including accelerated testing in product development. Methods to collect the maximum amount of pertinent data during the development process will be covered. The chemical and physical basis for accelerated testing will be presented along with the methods to integrate accelerated testing into the process.
Formulating with Organics
Jim Mitchell, innovations and development manager,Ciranda, Inc., examines some of the challenges, issues, and advantages involved in formulating organic products. In addition to a brief overview of the physical and functional differences between some organic ingredients and their conventional counterparts, Mitchell will discuss sourcing of organic ingredients and the current organic formulation trends.

Graduate studentRoja Ergun, under the guidance ofRichard W. Hartel, professor, department of food science,University of Wisconsin- Madison, takes a closer look at phase transitions in confections, comparing the phase diagram and graining factor as a means of predicting the crystal content of grained confections. The paper is present in memoriam toYasuo Noda, retired,Adams BrandsandMorinaga.
PMCA Research Committee Update
Jeffery Fine, director of new products & technology,AarhusKarlshamn USA, and chairman of the PMCA Research Committee, updates members on the activities of the committee, including current grant in aid research projects and plans for an industry science symposium.

Dennis Zak, managing partner ofTMResource LLC and chairman of the PMCA’s Education & Learning Committee, outlines past activities, including the results of the past year’s short course program and plans for future courses and activities.

Keynote Address: Latin America’s Sweet Tooth for Confections
Carmela Rivero, v.p. – R &D, Latin America Foods,PepsiCo, focuses on the opportunities prevalent in Latin America for confections and how local relevance defines the players and their ability to succeed.

Wednesday, April 29
Edward Minson, Corn Products Specialty Ingredients, will moderate the morning sessions.Regulatory Update for the Confectionery Industry
TheNational Confectioners Association’sAlison Reich Bodor, v.p. - regulatory and scientific affairs, brings attendees up to speed on existing and pending food safety and regulatory issues for the industry. Her overview encompasses recent changes occurring at FDA under the new administration as well as allergen labeling, new safety requirements for candy-toy combination products, state regulations impacting candy, and insight into the ongoing deliberation of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee.
Commodity Market Overview – Cocoa, Sugar & Milk
Lee McConnell, v.p. of commodities for theBlommer Chocolate Co., takes a look at the various dynamics affecting the cocoa, sugar and dairy markets of the world. He zeroes in on supply and demand factors, the role of currency fluctuations, the current Farm Bill, the role of ethanol production from sugar/grains, and other market drivers. Future supply and demand shifts and pricing forecasts will also be discussed.
Cocoa Sustainability Challenges & Opportunities
John Long, retired v.p. - CSR,The Hershey Co. and chairman emeritus,World Cocoa Foundation, covers current issues relating to cocoa sustainability, ongoing efforts to transform cocoa farming from subsistence agriculture to a truly sustainable model and key opportunities to further drive these efforts in the future.

Tracey Duffey, program director - Southeast Asia & West Africa,World Cocoa Foundation, provides insight into some of the main pests and fungal diseases that cocoa farmers address daily on their farms, along with farming techniques they have learned to combat these pests and diseases.

Frederic Loraschi, chocolatier and owner of Chocolat Frederic Loraschi LLC, discusses the artisan vision and its approach to creating unique confections, developing recipes. He compares the industrial “Know why” versus the artisan “know how,” as well as challenges and opportunities facing today’s artisans.
Student Outreach Program
PMCA’s Student Outreach Committee, led by Chair Barry Glazier, Mars Snackfood, will host several students from educational institutions with Food Science and related programs, to attend the conference. Students will have the opportunity to interact with industry personnel, be recognized during the Monday evening dinner program and participate in a plant tour sponsored by The Warrell Corporation.Supplier Exhibition
The 2009 Production Conference will once again feature the highly popular supplier exhibition on Monday afternoon from 12:30-5:30 pm in the Great American Hall of the Hershey Convention Center.Supplier Exhibition Registrations as of late December 2008
21st Century Grain Processing™A.M. Todd
ADM Cocoa
Ajinomoto Food Ingredients, LLC
Alfred L. Wolff, Inc.
American Chocolate Mould Co.
Bainbridge Associates
Baker Perkins
Balchem Encapsulates
Barry Callebaut
Bedemco, Inc./Hudson Valley Farms
Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc.
BENEO-Palatinit, Inc.
Berndorf Belt Technology USA
Blommer Chocolate Company
Blue Diamond Growers
Bosch Packaging Technology
Bottom Line Process Technologies, Inc.
Bradman Lake, Inc.
Briess Malt & Ingredients Co.
Brookside Foods Ltd.
Butter Buds Food Ingredients
California Natural Products
Cargill Cocoa & Chocolate
Cargill Confectionery Ingredients
Carle & Montanari, USA, Inc.
Centerchem, Inc.
Clasen Quality Coatings
W.A. Cleary Products
Coperion Corporation
Corn Products U.S.
C-P Flexible Packaging
Creative Food Ingredients, Inc.
Crosio & Associates, Inc.
Danisco USA, Inc.
David Michael & Co.
Delfi Cocoa USA, Inc.
Desmi & Rotan Pumps
Domino Specialty Ingredients
Driam USA, Inc.
Ellison Bakery
Emkay Confectionery Machinery
Farbest Brands
Firmenich, Inc.
FMC BioPolymer
FONA International
Fuji Vegetable Oil, Inc.
Galloway Company
Goodhart Sons, Inc.
Graco, Inc.
Grain Processing Corporation
Graybill Machines
Hosokawa Confectionery & Bakery
Industrial Food Ingredients, Co.
International Foodcraft Corporation
Kellogg/Keebler Food Ingredient Group
KOCO, Inc.
Landers Group, LLC
Loar & Young, Inc.
MAC Equipment
Mane, Inc.
Mantrose-Haeuser Co., Inc.
MassFlow Solutions, Inc.
MC/ Manufacturing Confectioner
Micelli Chocolate Mold Co.
Mitsubishi International Food Ingredients
Molded Fiber Glass Tray Co.
Multifilm Packaging
Murnane Specialties, Incorporated
NETZSCH Fine Particle Technology, LLC
O’Laughlin Industries
Ottens Flavors
Palsgaard Incorporated
PB Leiner
Penn Scale Mfg. Co., Inc.
Pharmachem Laboratories, Inc.
Precision Roll Grinders, Inc.
Premier Mill, An SPX Brand
Prova, Inc.
Readco Kurimoto, LLC
Roquette America, Inc.
Rousselot, Inc.
Sandvik Process System LLC
Savage Bros. Co.
William A. Schmidt and Sons, Inc.
Select Harvest, U.S.A.
Silesia Flavors, Inc.
Silliker, Inc
Sollich North America, LLC
Spray Dynamics, Ltd.
Stern Ingredients, Inc.
Tate & Lyle
TIC Gums
Tray-Pak Corporation
TRICOR Systems, Inc.
Turbo Systems, Inc.
Union Confectionery Machinery Company
Universal Blanchers – Seabrook Ingredients
WILD Flavors, Inc.
Woody Associates, Inc.
WRH Industries, Ltd.
This year PMCA will be formally recognizing the following suppliers, registered for the 2009 conference, who have exhibited for twenty five years or more:
ADM Cocoa
American Chocolate Mould Co.
Baker Perkins
Cargill Cocoa & Chocolate
Centerchem, Inc.
Emkay Confectionery Machinery
Fuji Vegetable Oil, Inc.
Molded Fiber Glass Tray Co.
Union Confectionery Machinery Company
WRH Industries, Ltd.