Candy Industry Senior Editor Liz Parker recently connected with Joe Foguth, sales operations analyst, Gerrit J. Verburg Company, about the company's decision to expand its portfolio, plus trends in the category.

Liz Parker: Why did the compay decide to expand its portfolio with sugarless chewing gum, such as its Beemans, Black Jack, Clove, and Gerrit’s Teaberry brands?

Joe Foguth: More than four years ago, we relaunched Black Jack, Beemans, and Clove in their original versions. The loyal consumers were elated to see them back, which was and is a great encouragement to us in our efforts to expand our distribution. We greatly appreciate the trade and consumer support for our vintage brands. We recognize that in the market for chewing gum, a majority of all generations prefer sugar-free gums.


LP: How long did it take to develop the sugar-free brands? 

JF: It took us two years to develop our sugar-free versions. To avoid any confusion in the marketplace, we opted for an up-to-date packaging (plastic tube) that fits today's lifestyle and switched from stick gum to pellet gum (coated gum) to increase and maintain the freshness of the gums.


LP: Are more consumers gravitating towards sugar-free gum vs. gum with sugar? What are some trends in the sugar-free gum category right now? 

JF: It's our understanding that the ratio of regular gum versus sugar-free gum is about 15% versus 85%. It's our goal in making our vintage flavors a new trend.


LP: What generations is the gum aiming to appeal to?

JF: Our vintage gum brands in sugar-free will appeal to all generations. It is obvious we have a big task ahead of us in attracting the younger generation (ages 15 to 35 years) to our new sugar-free vintage gums.


LP: What else is new for the brand in 2024? 

JF: In September we will launch Black Jack's Blitz Bits, which are licorice flavored mini chews in the same innovative plastic tubes.

Related: Gerrit J. Verburg expands gum portfolio with sugar-free options