I was working as a staff writer at a newspaper in Western Illinois when I learned earlier this summer that former Managing Editor Crystal Lindell was moving to a new position at Food Engineering. I jumped at the chance to once more join the Candy Industry team - for a variety of reasons.
Ever since I've gotten myself more entangled in the world of candy, I've been repeatedly humbled and awed by the lengths to which this industry goes to create lasting social and global impact.
Bill likely to pass, but it doesn’t mean the issue’s been resolved even if it passes Congress.
July 13, 2016
Vermont’s law, which went into effect July 1, created fears of dealing with a slew of non-uniform labeling regulations on a state-by-state basis. Good cause for concern.
In case you wondering why all of our food isn’t just made with zero-calorie sugar substitutes, Pepsi’s latest issues with aspartame makes it pretty clear — fake sugar is really hard to do well.
As Andreas Loacker, head of research and development for the company, subsequently pointed out to the guests in attendance, “This must be the biggest project Loacker has ever undertaken.
A recent Label Insight study of more than 1,500 consumers discovered “that the vast majority of consumers value product transparency as well as consider a wide array of information about a particular product before making a purchase decision.”