Chicago-based Primrose Candy Co. has recently upgraded to the ProcessPro’s Global ERP software, powered by Open Systems Adaptable Solutions (OSAS).

Primrose Candy, a longtime ProcessPro client, recently transitioned to Global. The new software platform is built on leading Microsoft technologies and designed for adaptability to meet the unique requirements of a clients’ specific business. The Global software platform puts more power and flexibility in the end-users’ hands, leading to an overall improved user experience. 

Since going live, Primrose Candy is benefiting from the ease of making screen changes and adding customized fields through an intuitive drag-and-drop feature in Global’s Design Studio. In addition, its users can save favorite tasks and daily functions, leading to increased navigational efficiencies and a streamlined experience. 

With the integrated Advanced Analytics solution, Primrose Candy has the ability to create interactive reports and graphs of its business data to analyze its operations. Through this transition and with future releases, Global will continue to support the company’s initiatives with robust baseline software and user-feedback driven functionality.  

“Primrose Candy’s commitment to reinvest in their ProcessPro solution was a decision based not only on the enhancements of the Global platform but also on the high level of support and industry expertise they receive from our staff,” stated Molly Caron, director, delivery services. “For over a decade, we have been their ERP provider of choice and are pleased to continue this partnership.”