The Deepest Affair
What’s not to adore — the best-loved candy
category moves up and upscale.
As in years past, the total chocolate candy category
saw slight single-digit dollar sales gains for 2003, according to both
ACNielsen and Information Resources Inc. data. Americans especially loved
their chocolate breaks with chocolate candy bars less than 3.5 ounces, as
well as with chocolate candy boxes/bags/bars greater than 3.5 ounces. Both
sub-groups saw decent dollar sales gains around the 7-8 percent mark
— actually their highest growth by far of the past four years,
according to IRI.
While snack-size chocolate candy remained fairly flat,
gift box chocolate candy saw a slight loss of around 5 percent —
although less of a loss than the previous year, according to IRI.
Chocolate is the driver of growth, especially at the front end,
in the candy/gum/mint universe. Not only is it outpacing overall category growth
— it is growing faster than non-chocolate, gum and mints.
The Imperatives
The most important thing for retailers of chocolate
candy to know may seem fairly obvious to those who indulge in the sweet
brown stuff themselves: Americans want their chocolate and most want to
indulge in at least a little piece of it every day.
While the category’s sales gains may not be earth shattering,
they are nonetheless very impressive when the down economy and consumer pessimism
of the past year are taken into account. The trend to indulge in chocolate is
not only unaffected negatively by the downturn in the economy, it might actually
be lifted up by it — because it equates to one of life’s few affordable
“luxuries.” The bottom line: This is a very stable category
right now and retailers will be rewarded if they give it the shelf space, as
well as outpost attention it deserves.
On-the-go snacking is a way of consumer life now
— and it has affected the way some people eat their chocolate. As a
result, non-traditional product shapes and on-the-go packaging has expanded
beyond the trend’s convenience-store heritage and is now making its
way into all retail channels that sell candy — especially at the
front end. Traditional candy bars will always lead the category in terms of
sales, but retailers would be wise to stay tuned to add-on opportunities in
“more mobile” chocolate, that may soon be pushed or popped out
of its single-handed packaging.
No retailer can ignore the Latin market and its influence on
chocolate of late. “Hot” chocolate has taken on a whole new
meaning — as chocolate gets mixed with spicier flavors for a sweet and
salty, or hot (as in chili) and sweet mix. While this has truly hit the more
premium side of the chocolate market, it is expected to trickle down to the
masses very soon. There’s a real growth right now in the complexity of
the ethnic flavors in chocolate, not just for the expanding ethnic market, but
for the non-ethnic market as well, a more mature market that has been flavor-experimenting
and desiring more premium tastes.
The health benefits of chocolate are here to stay — and
so is the marketing support that goes along with them. It is the darker chocolate,
with higher cacao content, that has received most of the independent research
news of health benefits, so darker chocolate is gaining in popularity. Evidence
of this is seen particularly in the premium side of the business where chocolate
makers now are marketing chocolate identified by its country of origin. For
the more mainstream set, limited edition darker chocolate has been unveiled,
while others are starting to let cacao content find its way to their packaging.
While health benefits may have been the initial reason for venturing out this
way, fuller flavor becomes an obvious taste surprise, and so the trend is expected
to get even deeper and darker as time goes by.
Cross Merchandising
Stores with coffee bars such as Starbucks are a
now-obvious place for cross-merchandising single-serve chocolate items that
are of a more upscale variety. With so many more upscale candy makers
producing lines especially for the mass market, this should be an easy
Leveraging the chocolate world in other areas of the store is
never offensive to American consumers, who take their chocolate breaks much
more seriously now. While non-chocolate items are perhaps best left to the cereal
and toy aisles, chocolate lends itself more to the aisles where adults roam.
Supermarkets should try merchandising chocolate near upscale deli items, near
card and gift aisles and definitely close to the pharmacy. Diabetics waiting
for prescriptions and supplies would probably respond very well to a display
of no-sugar chocolate. Then again, they just might want a little bite of the
real thing. So both ends of the chocolate spectrum would be a good fit there.
For the near future, chocolate candy is expected to
play especially well at its two extremes — from indulgent bites to
low-calorie/low-carb varieties. Even now, the same consumer will buy both
— and this is expected to continue — chocolate for when they
want to be “good” and chocolate for when they want to be
“bad.” All you have to know is — they’re going to
buy chocolate no matter what mood they’re in.
Consumer moods for chocolate will also translate to more channels
melting into the pot, so expect competition to come from everywhere —
not just the specialty home stores, world market shops and clothing stores —
but also the hardware stores, electronics shops and even the local car wash.
Anywhere people go on their lunch hour or before dinner can all be purveyors
of chocolate.
Merchandising Must
Merchandising Must
Multiple single-serve drivers belong at
the front end.
Retailers that have coolers filled with cold drinks, and display bins filled
with single-serve cookies and salty snacks at the checkout would be remiss
not to carry more single-serve chocolate options. Chocolate is not typically
an either/or purchase decision — it is often a complement to other on-the-go
goodies. But consumers in this candy category are often brand-loyal, so they
have to see their favorite chocolate candy if they’re going to impulsively
grab it and go.
More upscale items belong in the total
Chocolate makers that used to be quite discriminating in terms of distribution are offering products to a broader assortment of channels. And they’re often quite willing to tailor the offering to specific retailers in terms of pack types and sizes. Doesn’t that tell you something?
Chocolate makers that used to be quite discriminating in terms of distribution are offering products to a broader assortment of channels. And they’re often quite willing to tailor the offering to specific retailers in terms of pack types and sizes. Doesn’t that tell you something?