Displays Promote ‘Snacks Fit, Choose Balance’
By Ann Przybyla Wilkes
SFA VP of Communications
A goal for National Snack Food Month 2005 was to get the “Snacks Fit, Choose Balance” message out to consumers. This was done, in part, by adding this theme to the SFA/U.S. Potato Board (USPB) 2005 Routing for Dollars Display Contest. Depending on the category entered, displays in this year’s contest could promote “Snack Fit, Choose Balance,” “Super Bowl,” or “February is National Snack Food Month.”
The first-place winner in the Snacks, Large Display category was a 22-ft.-wide display complete with caricatures made from bags of baked snacks working out on exercise equipment. The display was submitted by Frito-Lay’s Jeffrey Hofman and was located in a Giant Food Store in Red Lion, Pa. The display resulted in a 115% increase in sales.
Second place in this category also promoted balance with a large painting of people exercising. The display, from Jose Sola of Snyder’s of Hanover, was in a Miami-based Publix Supermarket. It produced a 70% increase in sales.
Brochure Used in Display
Contest participants were encouraged to include a 4” by 8-1/2” pamphlet titled, “Snacks Fit, Choose Balance,” in their displays that consumers could take with them. The pamphlet, provided by SFA and the USPB, includes an introduction on how healthy lifestyles include a balanced diet and regular exercise, a meal plan incorporating snacks, information on the programs that SFA and the USPB support that make a difference in health, facts about snacks, and Web resources.
One of the many displays that made the brochure available to consumers was the second-place winner in the Potato Chips, Large Display category. Tim’s Cascade’s Mark Nielsen submitted a display that greeted shoppers as they entered an Albertson’s supermarket in Puyallup, Wash. Nielsen partnered with a local workout club that provided information on exercising and offered half-price memberships.
First place in the Potato Chips, Large Display category promoted National Snack Food Month by building an 8.5-ft. “Choo Choo Chip Train” to display Golden Flake potato chips. Golden Flake’s Andrew Tony Vargas reported a 20% increase in sales at Woodard’s Market in Lynchburg, Tenn., where the display was located.
The first-place winner in the Snacks, Small Display category combined the “Snacks Fit, Choose Balance” message with a “heavenly” theme. The display, submitted by Herr’s Matt Larkin, was responsible for 30% increased sales in the Wilkes Barre, Pa., Eckerd Drug Store where it was located.
Second place in this category was a display promoting February as National Snack Food Month that had the theme, “Swing into a healthier life.” Frito Lay sales associate Rob Kocinski arranged for a photo shoot of the display that included 16-week-old lion cubs, at J&T’s Family Food in Berlin, Wis. Articles about the display that mentioned National Snack Food Month appeared in several local newspapers.
National Snack Food Month was also the theme of the first-place winner in the Potato Chips, Small Display category. Gerald Womble’s display encouraged consumers to “Fill up on Golden Flake” snacks. It was located in Johnson’s Foodtown market in Pulaski, Tenn. Second place in this category hailed from Snyder of Berlin’s Kenneth Beardsley. His display, located at the Sleepy Hallow, Pa., Giant Eagle, included a bag of potato chips jumping rope in a “Spud Spa.” It encouraged consumers not to be couch potatoes.
Super Bowl Kicks Off Contest
National Snack Food Month unofficially begins with Super Bowl weekend at the end of January. The New England Patriots’ 24-21 win over the Philadelphia Eagles in Super Bowl XXXIX gave fans an exciting backdrop for eating their favorite snacks.
First-place winner in the Super Bowl category included several paintings capturing the excitement of the game. Luis Beauchamps, Snyder’s of Hanover, and Pedro Llano, Miami Beach, Fla.-based Publix Supermarket, also realized a 60% increase in sales due to their winning display.
A mock football stadium with the bleachers made of Utz snacks won second place in this category. Route salesman Mark Harper and his sales manager Bob Swift created the display at a Salisbury, N.C., Food Lion supermarket. Sales of Utz snacks shot up 132.6% while the display was in the store.
More Dashboard Dining
Dashboard dining is partly responsible for record convenience stores sales, reported The Washington Post on April 24. The National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) announced record revenue of $394.7 billion for c-stores in 2004. Included in the purchases made at c-stores are food and beverages that consumers consume while driving in their car. With consumers spending more time in their cars commuting, they want to make that time more productive, the article pointed out.
In an effort to capitalize on the dashboard dining trend, this year’s Routing for Dollars contest included two convenience store categories — one for potato chips and one for all snacks. Golden Flake’s Joseph Kirksey took advantage of February being National Snack Food Month and created a Valentine’s Day theme for his first place entry in the C-Store Potato Chip Display. Located in Mobile, Ala., the display at the Big Oak Chavron resulted in a 30% increase in sales of Golden Flake snacks.
A fishing theme won Frito-Lay’s Brian Telindert first place in the C-Store Snack Display category. Located at the Portage, Wis., Mobil Travel Plaza and Bait Shop, the display resulted in a 41% increase in sales of Frito-Lay snacks at the shop.
More than $60,000 in prizes was awarded to winners in seven categories. In addition, six entries that included dips were randomly selected to receive $300. Advanced Food Products provided the prize money for the dip drawing.
SFA and the USPB would like to thank the judges for this year’s contest: Elizabethe Bogart, vice president, Strategic Industry Initiatives, NACS, and Robert Pignato, vice president of marketing, membership & industry affairs, American Wholesale Marketers Association (AWMA).
It’s time to start planning for the next SFA/USPB display contest. Details for the 2005 Halloween contest will be available during the summer.
Routing for Dollars Display
Contest Winners
Snacks, Large Display
First Place: Jeffrey Hofmann, Frito-Lay, and Bryan Beck, Giant Food Stores, Red Lion, Pa.
Second Place: Jose Sola, Snyder’s of Hanover, and John Navarro, Publix Supermarket, Miami, Fla.
Third Place: Larry Schetter, Frito-Lay, and Mark Beitzel, K&M Piggly Wiggly, Kiel, Wis.
Honorable Mentions:
Brent Zockoll, Utz Quality Foods, and Sonny Nock, Super Fresh, Ocean City, Md.
Ed Stark, Snyder of Berlin, and Dave Opfer, Sam’s Club, Washington, Pa.
Paul Smith, Shearer’s Foods, and Fred L. Krahl, Acme, Akron, Ohio
Stacia A. Pierce, Snyder of Berlin, and Dwain Sheas, Plum Street Foodland, Parkersburg, W.Va.
Bill Metzger, Snyder’s of Hanover, and Mark Yoder, Giant Food Stores, Hanover, Pa.
Jonathan Steirer, Snyder’s of Hanover, and Matt Hostetter, Karns Food, Harrisburg, Pa.
Bill Metzger, Snyder’s of Hanover, and Bill Davis, Sunshine Market, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Dave Parker, Snyder’s of Hanover, and Todd Nettnin, Tops Supermarket, Rochester, N.Y.
Matthew Larkin, Herr Foods Inc., and John Zionce, Gerritys Supermarket, Nanticoke, Pa.
Donald Schuler, Utz Quality Foods, and Colin Snyder, Giant Food, Gettysburg, Pa.
Snacks, Small Display
First Place: Matt Larkin, Herr Foods Inc., and Jessica Price, Eckard Drugs, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Second Place: Robert Kocinski, Frito-Lay, and Gerald Trochinski, J & T Family Foods, Berlin, Wis.
Third Place: Mike Kearney, Herr Foods Inc., and Robert Zimmerman, Croppers Dowingtown, Dowington, Pa.
Honorable Mentions:
Lou Pagley, Herr Foods Inc., and Jeff Kibby, Tracles Horn, Edinburg, Pa.
Jack Z. Mitchell, Golden Flake Snack Foods, and Carl McKinny, Big Star Supermarket, Town Creek, Ala.
Andrew Brunell, Utz Quality Foods, and Amy Tomasko, Xpect Discounts, Cromwell, Conn.
John Wagner, Snyder of Berlin, and Ron Jury, Thorne’s Food, Clearfield, Pa.
Kal Shahateet, Utz Quality Foods, and Cheryl Ludington, Fort Belvoir Commissary, Va.
Richard DeBernardo, Rolet Food Products, and Anthony Bujerba, Pathmark, Bronx, N.Y.
Charles F. Maust, Snyder of Berlin, and Joe Brumage, Eckerd Drugs, Cumberland, Md.
Jenny David, Golden Flake Snack Foods, and Keith Hollingsworth, Super Rama, McMinnville, Tenn.
Tom Dear, Golden Flake Snack Foods, and Randall Bilbrey, Jerry’s IGA, Livingston, Tenn.
Dave Loughner, Snyder of Berlin, and Vince Mastrorocco, Mastrorocco’s IGA, Derry, Pa.
C-Store Potato Chip Display
First Place: Joseph W. Kirksey, Golden Flake Snack Foods, and Rose M. Coleman, Big Oak Chevron, Mobile, Ala.
Second Place: Chad Christel, Frito-Lay, and Amy Kapelka, Bonde’s Quik Mart, Cleveland, Wis.
Third Place: Ira J. Good, Snyder of Berlin, and Michael Bowser, Parkview Market, Olean, N.Y.
Honorable Mentions:
Kenneth Beardsley, Snyder of Berlin, and George Duffy, Duffy’s Pop & Beer 4 Less, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Philip Norman, C.J. Vintners Co., and Klaudia Lange, White Hen, Cary, Ill.
Virgil Andrew Wilbanks, Golden Flake Snack Foods, and Peggy Bennefield, Hartsell’s Exxon, Hartselle, Ala.
John A. Logan, Golden Flake Snack Foods, and Chaquanna M. Scott, Merrie Mart 36, Mobile, Ala.
Pamela K. Adams, Golden Flake Snack Foods, and Dewayne Smith, Roadmaster Exxon, Birmingham, Ala.
Steve Vaughn, Golden Flake Snack Foods, and V.J. Patel, Kankus Food Mart, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Matthew Larkin, Herr Foods Inc., and Tammy Keller, Red Rock Corner Store, Benton, Pa.
John A. Logan, Golden Flake Snack Foods, and Karlisha Simpson, Merrie Mart #3, Mobile, Ala.
Alan Sadler, Frito-Lay, and Sue Courtney, Prestonville Shell, Carrolton, Ky.
Robin Baldwin, Golden Flake Snack Foods, and Larry Duncan, Cee Bee, Pulaski, Tenn.
C-Store Snack Display
First Place: Brian Telindert, Frito-Lay, and Scott Koch, Mobil Travel Plaza and Bait Shop, Portage, Wis.
Second Place: Daniel M. Sisti, Bachman Co., and Chris Enser, Enser’s Mini Mart, Hamburg, N.Y.
Third Place: Jeff Collins, Golden Flake Snack Foods, and Todd Tietgens, Todd’s C-Store, Lewisburg, Tenn.
Honorable Mentions:
Tom Moss, Frito-Lay, and Jim Krikke, Stanton Corners, West Olive, Mich.
Eric Robson, Frito-Lay, and Dianna Reichoff, Lake Delton Mobil, Lake Delton, Wis.
Fred DeFelice, Herr Foods Inc., and Marcia Booth, Convenient Food Mart, Jermyn, Pa.
Ramona Mason, Golden Flake Snack Foods, and Prudence Graham, Hurley Quick Stop, Hurley, Miss.
Gerald Clutter, Shearer’s Foods, and Debbie, Dairy Mart, Canton, Ohio
Robert W. Crocker, Frito-Lay, and Betty L. Burbach, Riverside 66, Loves Park, Ill.
James Allen, Golden Flake Snack Foods, and Judy Smith, Jr. Food Mart, Hattisburg, Miss.
Philip Norman, C.J. Vintners Co., and Debra Karberg, White Hen, Island Lake, Ill.
Lisa Deems, Snyder of Berlin, and Brenda, Marathon 100, New Comers Town, Ohio
David B. McCosh, Frito-Lay, and Russell Haas, Vienna Tiger Market, DeForest, Wis.
Potato Chips, Large Display
First Place: Andrew Tony Vargas, Golden Flake Snack Foods, and Sutton Woodard, Woodards Market, Lynchburg, Tenn.
Second Place: Mark Nielsen, Tim’s Cascade Snacks, and Mark Erkers, Albertson, Puyallup, Wash.
Third Place: Todd Centofanto, Herr Foods Inc., and Kristin Friend, Washington Shop ‘N Save, Washington, Pa.
Honorable Mentions:
Charles D. Reams, Husman’s Snack Foods, and Mike Strider, Krogers, Wilmington, Ohio
Felix Santiago, Wise Snack Foods, and Richard Perez, Shop ‘N Shop, New Rochelle, N.Y.
Randy Klein, Utz Quality Foods, and Ron Cobb, Food Depot, Baltimore.
Frank Rohrs, Snyder of Berlin, and Rick Doud, Giant Eagle, Somerset, Pa.
Dave Bollinger, Herr Foods Inc., and Bill Alter, Golden Town, New Kensington, Pa.
Karl Kelsey, Frito-Lay, and Chris Wyss, Lee’s Family Foods, Peshtigo, Wis.
Darrell Wentland, Golden Flake Snack Foods, and TRA Wiggins, Mannings, Eight Mile, Ala.
Virgil Andrew Wilbanks, Golden Flake Snack Foods, and Jay Halloway, Hometown Market, Hartselle, Ala.
Michael Klunk, Utz Quality Foods, and Angela Morrison, Food King, Baltimore.
Greoff Black, Utz Quality Foods, and Nassin Ahmed, National Wholesale Liquidators, Hyattsville, Md.
Potato Chips, Small Display
First Place: Gerald Womble, Golden Flake Snack Foods, and John Johnson, Johnson’s Foodtown, Pulaski, Tenn.
Second Place: Kenneth B. Beardsley, Snyder of Berlin, and Rick Vasko, Sleepy Hollow Giant Eagle, Sleepy Hallow, Pa.
Third Place: Joe “Tanker” Holmes, Golden Flake Snack Foods, and Bettye Barber, Bethesda Market and Deli, College Grove, Tenn.
Honorable Mentions:
Michael A. Pass, Mike-sell’s, and Steve Heffner, Kroger, Taylorsville, Ky.
Ray Myers, Utz Quality Foods, and Ed Myers, Myers Meat Market, Hanover, Pa.
William H. Feeley, Herr Foods Inc., and Mark Mastiani, Farrel Golden Dawn, Edinburg, Pa.
Jamie Jenkins, Snyder of Berlin, and Matt McKillop, Giant Eagle, Altoone, Pa.
Jack Z. Mitchell, Golden Flake Snack Foods, and Jeremy K. Sanderson, Foodland, Tuscumbia, Ala.
Gerald Womble, Golden Flake Snack Foods, and Gary McDonald, Super Rama Foods, Mt. Pleasant, Tenn.
Jeff L. Fox, Golden Flake Snack Foods, and Dewayne Hensley, Hensley IGA, Knoxville, Tenn.
Rickey Slay, Golden Flake Snack Foods, and Bob Knight, Todd’s Big Star, Tupelo, Miss.
Rick Safarik, Wise Snack Foods, Shawn Holmes, Fairway Wholesale, New York.
Gerald Slayton, Utz Quality Foods, and William Belton, Dan Valley Foods, Danville, Va.
Super Bowl Display
First Place: Luis Beauchamps, Snyder’s of Hanover, and Pedro Llano, Publix Supermarket, Miami Beach, Fla.
Second Place: Mark Harper and Bob Swift, Utz Quality Foods, and Ed Owens, Food Lion, Salisbury, N.C.
Third Place: Kevin Graham, Snyder’s of Hanover, and Jerry Truesdale, Giant, Bethlehem, Pa.
Honorable Mentions:
Sam Acevedo, Snyder’s of Hanover, and Fernando Cruz, Publix Supermarket, Miami.
Mike Vincent, Golden Flake Snack Foods, and Stoney Hunt, Al’s Foodland, Lebanon, Tenn.
Randy Wanicer, Frito Lay, and Tom Bolot, Stell’s Piggly Wiggly, New Holstein, Wis.
Terry DeMuesy, Shearer’s Foods, and Lenny Nester, Giant Eagle, North Carton, Ohio
Alex Morera, Snyder’s of Hanover, and John Navarro, Publix Supermarket, Miami.
Joseph Donaway, Utz Quality Foods, and Dave Smith, Super Fresh, Ocean City, Md.
David Martin, Utz Quality Foods, and Ronald Staines, Food Lion, Reisterstown, Md.
Dale Goodman, Frito-Lay, and Bernie Book, Kroger, New Albany, Ind.
Val Burdman, Snyder’s of Hanover, and Brian Cahill, Publix Supermarket, Miami.
Pamela K. Adams, Golden Flake Snack Foods, and Olive Jerry, Western Supermarket, Tussville, Ala.
Random Dip Drawing Winners
Nancy Schoenmann, Frito-Lay (Large Snack Display)
Darrell Wentland, Golden Flake Snack Foods (Small Potato Chip Display)
Michael P. Dimouro, Herr Foods Inc. (Large Snack Display)
Jeff Mical, Utz Quality Foods (Super Bowl Display)
Jim Persichini, Snyder of Berlin (Small Potato Chip Display)
Andrew Pinda, Utz Quality Foods (Super Bowl Display)