Unlike conventional paper packaging which often contains polyethylene, consumers can dispose of the new Walkers’ wrapper in their normal curbside recycling collection along with their other paper recyclable items.
EW Technology's mechanical engineering knowledge has been combined with Mondi's paper packaging expertise to enable companies to wrap pallets in Advantage StretchWrap paper.
Brand owners in every consumer packaged goods category, including candy, continue seeking out and employing new materials in the ongoing effort to create a more sustainable package.
The latest form/fill/seal (FFS) systems are designed for versatility and are adaptable to many different bag types, film types, and bag sizes, which is good news for bakery and snack producers. They also incorporate improved sanitary design and can handle green sustainable materials such as paper packaging.
The chocolate company’s new paper pouches are made on machines that gently handle paper, allow for flexibility, and offer stability at high speeds.
May 17, 2021
The chocolate company’s new paper pouches are made on machines that not only gently handle paper, but also allow for flexibility, and offer stability at high speeds.
BillerudKorsnäs, the Swedish company that challenges conventional packaging, has collaborated with Bosch Packaging Technology to develop Sealed Paper Packaging made of BillerudKorsnäs Axello ZAP—the world’s first dust-tight, sealed all-paper packaging.