Congratulations to the Category Driver and Silver
Circle Award Winners!
And a big Thank You! to all those Confectioner readers who participated in the process of choosing the ‘winners.’ Some new companies were honored this year — the fifth year for these Awards — and that’s an excellent sign. It shows that although major companies continue to be the primary driving force in many confectionery categories, there’s definitely room for newcomers. Companies that offer really new and different products and understand what’s needed to bring a product to market are apparently receiving a warmer welcome from retailers and wholesalers than in years past.
In addition to the voting process, many readers were
interested in sharing their thoughts, concerns and frustrations. As a
result, you’ll find a short ‘Customer Wish List’ included
in our coverage.
My favorite wish? A drug chain buyer wished that the
industry would band together and work on advertising and campaigns to
counteract the negativity that’s coming at us from all sides. Good
One theme that came up frequently was the wish that the
confectionery and snack industries would really fight back when we get
hammered for being ‘bad.’ Many companies are doing an excellent
job in working to position their products positively and diffuse
accusations. Of course, they have to be smart about how they respond to
attacks. Yet in spite of manufacturers’ efforts and those of
the National Confectioners Association, the perception in the retail and
wholesale communities is that it’s time to attack — rather than
“Bullies succeed because we let them,”
said one wholesaler CEO. And the feeling definitely is that confections and
snacks are being bullied. The ‘bad food’ and
‘obesity’ issues are emotional issues. And emotions
aren’t always best counteracted with logical and scientific
explanations. Perhaps we need some more emotion on our side!
Time to Reposition?
One of the reactions we see to the current environment
is that Masterfoods is slowly but surely eliminating the term “King
Size” from its line-up. King Size M&M’s, for example, have
become M&M’s Tear ’n Share Size. Similarly, Twix
Caramel King Size has become Twix Caramel 4 to Go Bars. So far, we see only
Masterfoods removing King Size here, but in England, all the producers have
agreed that King Size will be a thing of the past. Along with the name
changes, large single-piece bars are being cut into two or more pieces. As
near as we can tell, the notion is that King Size implies ‘eat it all
now at once,’ and name changes that imply moderation are to the good.
The 100-calorie packs of snacks and cookies introduced
by — among others — Kraft, Pepperidge Farm and Frito-Lay
— have certainly proven very successful and are racking up
considerable sales.
All in all I’m not in sync with those
pronouncing gloom and doom on snacks and candy. Too many people in our
world are being creative and optimistic and working effectively and
efficiently. Is it easy? No, but perhaps the problems and challenges
aren’t worse than in the past — they’re just different.
And we have no choice but to face them head on and deal with what needs to
be dealt with.
Hang out with the optimistic, creative people and keep
your exposure to the pessimists and nay- sayers to a minimum! It really