On Brands, Storytelling and Why It Matters
Mary Ellen Kuhn
“Every picture tells a story,” crooner Rod Stewart famously noted more years ago than I care to recall. I think the same is true of brands — or at least it should be. If a consumer can somehow connect — ever so subtly perhaps — with a brand’s “back story,” a stronger connection will be forged between consumer and brand.
This fall I had the good fortune to hear best-selling
author Dan Pink (“A Whole New Mind,” The Penguin Group, 2005)
share a variety of intriguing theories about business, careers and the
economy. In the context of that discussion, Pink advanced some thoughts
about ways that savvy brand marketers are incorporating back stories onto
product packaging. My notes — and memory — of his discussion
are a tad sketchy, but I remember him talking about how, on one occasion as
he shopped for a bottle of wine, his selection was influenced by the story
he read on its label. More and more, he suggested, we’re hungry for
meaning in our lives, so packaging that tells the story of how a portion of
profits from the product’s sales will be donated to charity, for
example, can be a particularly compelling message. Other sorts of stories
work as well. Facts are “free and ubiquitous” in today’s
information-intensive world, so it’s more important to put
information into context and/or add an emotional component, he observed.
Retailers can and should be storytellers as well, I
believe. One of my personal favorite examples of retail storytelling can be
found on the pages of catalogs from clothing and accessories purveyor
Coldwater Creek. This is a company with some truly gifted copywriters who
create product descriptions that are exquisite little gems of whimsy and
persuasion. A floral dress, for example, might be described as
“oh-so-perfect for dinner on the patio with dear friends on a warm,
magnolia-scented summer evening.” I’m making up the details,
here, but you get the point, I hope. If it’s possible to create a
back story for a simple summer dress, certainly is should be feasible to do
so for a retailer’s confections department. Think about it. Did your
chain’s Valentine’s candy section prompt shoppers to pause to
enjoy a fond memory of mom or Aunt Jane or a new friend and how she just
might really love — and certainly deserve — a sweet surprise
plucked from the shelves of the candy section?
We’re pretty focused on brands — both
manufacturers’ and private label — on the pages of Confectioner this month. If
you’re a fan of the topic as it relates to packaging, check out our
sister magazine, Brand Packaging, on the Web at www.brandpackaging.com.