5 Generation Bakers, McKees Rock, PA, has earned a “Superior” ranking from the American Institute of Baking (AIB International), Manhattan, KS. The company is known for its Jenny Lee Cinnamon Swirl Breads, available through more than 4,000 retail outlets in the eastern U.S.
“Our score of 905 is a testament not only to the care and concern of every single 5GB employee, but especially to Denice Beccard, our HR and regulatory compliance officer,” says Scott Baker, president and founder of 5 GB. He adds that obtaining a qualified third-party audit is a daunting task for any company, but especially for a small start-up company operating from other than purpose-built facilities.
Obtaining its first third-party audit last year required the company to make extensive modifications to its machinery, sanitation procedures and production methods, as well as deal with increased paperwork necessary to document and track all aspects of the operation.
“After all it took to pass the initial audit,” Baker says, “our goal for the future was one of continual improvement, but Denice had other plans. When she said that her goal in the second year was to exceed a score of 900, I didn’t really say anything because I didn’t want to discourage her. I just reassured her we would do whatever we could to help. Her results speak for themselves.”
As part of 5 GB’s ongoing growth plans, the company expects to move into new facilities in early 2016, effectively doubling production capacity and providing acreage for continued expansion.