While a wider range of nut and seed butters have enjoyed an ascent in popularity over the past few years, riding the wave of peanut butter’s perennial popularity, they’ve only recently begun to see wider use as a typifying ingredient in snack and bakery applications, including cookies. This recipe capitalizes on the widespread snack appeal of almonds while showcasing the functional and flavor advantages of almond butter. And the downscaled size of these bite-sized treats also broadens their appeal, granting permission to indulge, just a little bit.


In mixer bowl, cream almond butter, butter and salt for 3 minutes. Add eggs and milk. Cream 2 minutes. Add remaining ingredients. Mix just enough to blend. Deposit cookie dough onto baking pans in 1.6-oz. increments. Bake for 11–12 minutes at 325°F (convection) or until golden brown. Yield: 1,000 cookies.

Optional: Top each cookie with a whole, roasted almond before baking.

Recipe: Almond Butter Cookies

16 lbs. 12 oz. almond butter
13 lbs. butter or margarine
7 oz. salt
5 lbs. 13 oz. eggs, whole
4 lbs. 6 oz. milk
13 lbs. sugar, granulated
8 lbs. 11 oz. sugar, brown
6 oz. baking soda
26 lbs. 1 oz. flour, pastry
6 oz. baking powder
11 lbs. 2 oz. almonds, toasted, chopped